

Our Mission

NLCHP regulates Acupuncturists, Audiologists, Dental Hygienists, Medical Laboratory Technologists, Midwives, Respiratory Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists with a focus on and commitment to public protection. 

Our Vision

Safe and ethical care for every member of the public through excellence in health professional regulation. 

Our Values

We work to ensure organizational sustainability as a means of strengthening the regulatory system. 

We are honest and ethical in all our interactions.

We are united in our commitment to innovation, rigor and pragmatism for evidence-based decision-making and sound governance practices.

We engage others with genuine care and respect, openness and trust in pursuit of a common purpose.

Accountability and Transparency
In fulfilling our legislated mandate, we embrace our obligations to stakeholders* to uphold the highest standards of accountability and transparency.

We work collaboratively to be responsive and to ensure all views are considered in making decisions that are in the best interest of the public protection. 

*Stakeholders include groups such as the public, registrants, educators, employers, and the health system. 

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