Quality Assurance Program Continuing Education and Professional Development Audit Process
Quality Assurance / Quality Assurance Program Continuing Education and Professional Development Audit Process

Continuing Education
Sign into the NLCHP Portal to review the Continuing Education and Professional Development Recording Tool. COMING SPRING 2020
As part of a legislated process for quality assurance in health practice the QA committee has established a method of review for self-directed continuing competency and professional development. Each year the committee will randomly select a percentage of health professionals registered with the NLCHP to be audited. The NLCHP office staff on behalf of the QA Committee will notify Registrants via e-mail that assessors will review their portfolio submitted through the CE Portal. Trained auditors will view the professional portfolio against a checklist based on the practice standards set by the college of the registrant.
If you have questions about the audit process, please contact NLCHP. Please visit NLCHP Policy Quality Assurance (QA) Program: Conformation of Continuing Education and Professional Development Audit Process for additional information.