Other Registration Services

NLCHP Portal
Visit the NLCHP Portal to access online services for applicants and registrants.
Updating your personal information
You can now update your profile including contact information in the NLCHP Portal. Under the Regulations for all health professionals regulated by the Health Professions Act (2010), registered health professionals are required to notify the NLCHP of a change in mailing address or employer information. NLCHP requires notification within 30 days of a change. Please use the member login and click on the personal information section.
Request a Letter of Good Standing
Most jurisdictions and licensing organizations will require a Letter of Good Standing or Professional Conduct when a registrant is applying to work as a health professional in another province or country. Generally, the letter is sent directly to the regulatory agency where one is making application. You can request a Letter of Good Standing from NLCHP by using the NLCHP Portal.
How to Update Your PLI
NLCHP FEE Schedule
Fees for NLCHP health professional registration are as follows together with the college membership fees described in the attachment below.
Please be advised that College membership fees are set by the individual health professional colleges designated in the NLCHP (Health Professions Act).